Tuesday, April 3, 2012

May the Odds be Ever in Your Favor...

There is something about the purchase of a new book that never fails to make me smile. (Well, as long as it isn’t for school…and even then, they aren’t ALL bad.)  The feel of fresh pages, still crisp, the smell of the ink…it is something I will never grow tired of. It’s a jump into world’s unknown and different times and two years ago when I picked up The Hunger Games for the first time it was an instant catapult into a world that would not let me go.  It was recommended to me by a friend and I’m so thankful that it was.

Despite my initial concern about the brutality of the story I figured I would give it a try.  The next thing I knew I was closing the first book completely finished and on my way to the store to pick up the other books in the series.  I finished all three books in two days because I simply could not put them down.

And then they made the movie.  (And they did a superb job with it!) 

With the movie I decided that it was time for Hunger Games inspired cupcakes.  A friend of mine on Twitter suggested a “Nightlock” cupcake and I ran with it.

But I wanted to do more than just my basic blueberry cupcake recipe and I wanted to tie in more aspects of the book and movie and that is how these cupcakes generated into being.

Nightlock: They're to die for...

They are a mixed berry, cinnamon cupcake. (Get it, Cinna-mon…Lol!)  With a ginger, honey, and clove butter cream. 

It sounds odd.  I know that.  Even to me when the ideas where floating around in my head I wasn’t sure how it was going to turn out.  The butter cream especially.  But all put together they were delicious!  And all of the ingredients really worked well together.

In hindsight I might actually put more cinnamon in the cupcakes next time, but overall I was really happy with the results!

So thanks to Suzanne Collins for writing a gripping tale of courage, sacrifice, and heart and the movie makers for doing an amazing job of bringing this world to life and for Sara for putting the idea in my head. 

Trust me; more themed cupcakes are already in the works!

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