Tuesday, March 27, 2012

Where It All Started...

So, you know how I said I've been baking for about six months or so?  Very true.  But it wasn't my intention to make this into a business when I started.  I was doing it for fun then, just as a stress reliever.  I started baking for family events and work parties, and in January my sister asked me to make cupcakes for a bridal shower she was helping to throw.  

At the end of that the bride asked me to make them for the wedding.  And it was at that point that I started to seriously consider making this into a business.  

Saturday, March 24, 2012

Minty Goodness

I have done it.  I have perfected a chocolate cupcake recipe that is so perfect you would think it was a box mix.  It was chocolaty and moist and just perfect. 

It is so rewarding to have a cupcake come out so perfectly you just want to stare at them, pre-frosting, because of how perfect they are.  (Not saying I did, or didn’t…for ten full minutes.)

And they were a hit at work.

It started from a box of Thin Mints that was taunting me from the pantry shelf and I decided I needed to do something cupcake-y to put with my favorite Girl Scout cookies.  I figured a simple chocolate cupcake with mint butter cream would be the perfect way to accent my extra box of Thin Mints.

Best Cookies Ever

And then it happened.  The. Perfect. Chocolate. Cupcake.

I’m so excited.

And here it is.

Sunday, March 18, 2012

Welcome to my kitchen...

Hi!  I started baking cupcakes about six months ago as a way to let off some steam and relax.  Next thing I knew I was baking all the time and getting some real praise for all of the creations.  I was encouraged by a large group of people to make it into a business.

It's going to take some real time to become anything big, but I decided that I'm going to blog my way through my cupcake making.

I've made lots of different kinds of cupcakes so far and I've got a lot I still want to make and perfect so look for lots of recipes and pictures and adventures.

Cupcake baking isn't always pretty but it is always going to be fun.

Hope you stick around for the fun! :)

Chocolate Chip Cookie Dough Cupcakes

Dr. Pepper Cupcakes

Andes Mint Cupcakes

Pineapple Banana Cupcakes

Thin Mint Cupcakes

Samoa's Cupcakes